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In September 2004, Stone released her second studio album and her first of original material, Mind Body & Soul. The Soul Sessions has sold five million copies worldwide. It produced the singles ' Fell in Love with a Boy' and ' Super Duper Love', both of which peaked at number 18 on the UK Singles Chart. The album peaked at number four on the UK Albums Chart and was later certified triple platinum by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI).

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Stone's debut studio album, The Soul Sessions, was released in September 2003, consisting mostly of cover versions of soul songs from the 1960s and 1970s. As of May 2015, Stone had sold more than 14 million albums worldwide. Stone performing at Stockholm Jazz Festival in July 2009Įnglish singer and songwriter Joss Stone has released seven studio albums, one compilation album, three extended plays, 45 singles (including 16 as a featured artist), five promotional singles, one video album and 21 music videos.